The objects for which the Association is established (the "Objects") are:
(a) To provide an organisation for the benefit and service of the Gibraltar based betting and gaming industry and to represent its interests before:
(i) The Gibraltar Government;
(ii) Any regulator or representative appointed by the Gibraltar Government from time to time;
(iii) The public authorities of Gibraltar;
(iv) Any other public authority, public body or regulator as may be expedient from time to time.
(b) To represent, express and give effect to the views and opinions of the Gibraltar betting and gaming industry and its employees on commercial or mercantile matters of all kinds to the Gibraltar Parliament, other parliamentary bodies, national and state governments, public bodies, regulatory authorities, suppliers of services to the betting and gaming industry, the media, the public and any other organisations with the ability to affect or influence the gaming market.
(c) To help promote Gibraltar as a centre of excellence and integrity for international betting and gaming companies.
(d) To encourage the sharing of information to help prevent fraud, money laundering, terrorist funding, underage gambling and other unlawful activity.
(e) To undertake collective negotiations on behalf of Members with appropriate trades' organisations, employer's organisations, government bodies, media interests and other relevant entities.
(f) To encourage social responsibility within the betting and gaming industry effected through various means including support for charities and initiatives to help those who have gambling problems.
(g) To promote, present, obtain support for or oppose any legislation or legislative process in the Gibraltar or United Kingdom Parliaments or similar legislation in any EEA member state or the European Union or worldwide, and do, or procure to be done, any proceedings, enterprises, movements or any other form of activity which may tend to promote in any lawful manner the objects of the Association or any of them.
(h) To promote the right under European law for Members located in the EEA to freely promote their services in, and accept business from, all EEA member states.
(i) To make representations in the European Commission and European Parliament, as appropriate, through whatever means, to press the case for the free movement of gambling services across Europe and mutual recognition of European territories.
(j) To promote betting and gaming legislation, regulation and guidance that balances the lawful and proper commercial interest of Members with the proper pursuit of appropriate regulation of betting and gaming by inter alia governments, legislators and regulators.
(k) To encourage an exchange of industry information and to provide a channel of communication with relevant authorities, associations and organisations worldwide.
(L) To provide a forum for discussion of matters of mutual interest to Members of the Association.
(m) To provide a means for Members of the Association to establish and maintain contact with each other both on a professional and social level.