Let’s Talk About Safer Gambling
It's good to set yourself limits.
Gambling is not a way to make money.
It’s good to take a break.
Friends and family are more important than gambling.
EGBA has created a Google Drive Folder where they have uploaded the logo and all graphics related to the ESGW24 campaign. The graphics are provided in a range of translations, formats, including editable templates, and can be downloaded from the Google Drive folder. The core assets of the social media campaign are four social media graphics which contain safer gambling messages and these are made available in over 20 European languages. The core assets can be found in the Google Drive folder “Social media graphics (translated)" > "Country translations”. You can find examples of the graphics attached (in English language version).
There are some additional formats (instagram story, etc) of the social media graphics made available in editable format (see the folder “Social media graphics (translated)" > “editable files”) but these graphics haven’t been translated and operators, if they wish to use these formats, would need to download the editable files and edit them to add the respective translation.
During ESGW24, 18-24 November, we ask operators to share the social media graphics, in the respective local language version, on the social media channels of their local brands in the EU, and adding the hashtag #ESGW24 to all their social media posts.

Here are some resources
GamCare online Forum
GamCare offer an online forum and chatrooms for you to connect with others in similar situations to share your experience, find help and support others.
GamCare Self Guided Resources
GamCare has designed these resources to assist anyone who has recognised that gambling may be an issue for them.
Protecting young people
YGam is a charity dedicated to safeguarding the youth from the adverse effects of gaming and gambling. providing valuable resources for parents and educators.